Published by ICSEB at 27 July, 2024
The Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) has been working in the area of research since its foundation, following Dr. M. B. Royo-Salvador’s findings and publications on the Filum Disease.
This ongoing work in R&D&I has been officially recognized and validated on a national level since 2011.
We are happy to inform you that also the research carried out in 2023 has been certified with the Research & Development (R&D) accreditation on May 17 2024 by ACIE, the Spanish Innovation Certification Agency.
Congratulations to Dr. Royo-Salvador and the entire R&D&I department for carrying out the research Project “Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Sectioning of the Filum Terminale in patients with idiopathic syringomyelia”!
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The contents of this website are a non-official translation of the original content of the website in Spanish. The translation is courtesy of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona with the purpose of facilitating comprehension for anyone who wishes to Access the website.